Monday, December 2, 2013

Doing Something About The Weather

I've thought a lot lately about the legacy that I will leave my children when I pass away.  Legacy might be too "epic" of a word to use.  Legacies are left by politicians and serial criminals.  I've been thinking about the stories that I'll be leaving behind and while there are many good ones to tell, I haven't shared as many of them here as I should.  I've often ranted about the frustrating moments in parenting and it seems like all I do is complain about it.   I feel it's time to let the kids know how much I really do love them.

I'd like to start by writing a post each night about the one (or two) things that made that day special.  As much as I'd love for this to be a nightly exercise in showing gratitude, the demands of checking homework, giving baths, brushing teeth, and tucking in might make it a little more scattered than that.  So please forgive me Caleb, Leah, and Elizabeth, if I miss a day, but know that each day with you all has been absolutely amazing.

Here's the proof:

Caleb:  I loved when you asked me to watch football with you tonight.  I enjoyed it even more when you fell asleep on my lap.  I'm proud of the hard work you did for earning your physical education and swimming belt loops at the Pack meeting tonight.

Leah:  It is a joy to hear you speak.  Nothing melts my heart more than hearing you mix up your pronouns.  "Where is her?" and "I not like that" are enough to shut down the grammar nazi in me.

Elizabeth:    I really thought you were going to make it through the week without catching the flu.  It has been a joy holding your hacking, wheezing body in my arms for the day.

Until tomorrow....


  1. What a great way to start Advent!

  2. What a wonderfully sweet idea that will mean so much to your little ones. I hope and pray that it will be a long, long time in the making. We want you around for a long time!

  3. I pray for the same Mari. Happy Thanksgiving to you all by the way and a Merry Christmas in your future.

  4. That reminds me, we need to get the candles out for the kids. Caleb loved lighting them last year. I wonder if he remembers what they mean? Such a fun season.
