Dad's Dictionary

Words take on different meanings, depending on the role you're in.  Being a parent is no different, so for those of you Parents-to-Be that just received the great news, here are a few words that you need to know:

Ambidexterity:  The ability to use both hands to disappoint your parents.  (see photo)

Beditation:  The art of laying in bed and blocking out the sounds of children making early morning demands.

Birthday:  An expensive reminder every year about why birth control is crucial to financial responsibility.

Chexsplosion:  What happens when you allow your child to open a bag of Chex Mix unsupervised.

Child Proof:  Proof that the people that make medicine bottles and lighters don't have children.

Christmas:  A joyless holiday similar to a birthday, but on a larger (more expensive) scale.  Other parents seem perfectly fine with this happening every year.  (see Birthday)

Chocolate Milk:  Liquid crack for toddlers.

Clock:  A small mechanical device to wake up people with no children.

Countertop:  The shirt you make your kid put on when the one they chose to wear is unacceptable.

Encouragemint: Candy, gum, and/or mints that you offer your child as bribes.

Floritos:   The pile of crumbs left behind after your 2-year old's Cool Ranch attack.

Foreplay:  The four minutes you take to set your kids up with a movie so you can have sex.

Friday:  A dark harbinger that means the weekend is coming.  (see Weekend)

Idisockracy:   Not being able to tell your hands from your feet.  (see photo)

Legos:  Ankle-breakers.

Liquorice:   A mixed-drink straw made from your child's Twizzler stash.

Mood Music:  Usually, the title track to whatever movie you popped in so you can have sex.  (see Foreplay)

Nice Things:  What you used to have before kids.

Public Places:  Any place where you find yourself reacting calmly to your child's misbehaving.  If you find yourself saying, "Wait til we get home", you're in one.

School Bus:  The sweet, sweet savior that shuttles your noisy, demanding kids away from your house and off to some magical place where they do things or something.  I don't know what they do.  I'm just glad I don't have to fulfill requests all day.

Snow Day:  A day that the school decides they've had enough of your kids for one week.  They'll use any amount of snow, no matter how minimal to get by with this.

Thial: What happens when your phone is in your front pocket and you kneel down. Example: I bent over to put on Libby's shoes and I accidentally thialed 911.

Toys:  Little land mines left all over the house.  They are unavoidable.  You will trip.  You will curse.  You will get hurt.  (see Legos)

Twin Mattress:  A $600 piece of furniture that sits in your son's bedroom while he sleeps short-ways on the couch.  (see photo)

Ughciting: The word you use to describe pretty much anything your kids are excited about.  Example: "Yes, son, I am so ughcited to watch Thomas the Train again too."

Weekend:   48 hours that feel more like 72.  There is no school to give you a break on these days.  Remember when you used to go out, party, and then sleep your Sunday away?  It's better if you don't.

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