Thursday, March 14, 2013

Home Made Lunchables

The boy gets on the bus at 7:15.  Sharp.  I am amazed at how the bus driver is consistently there day after day at the same time.  His bus has only been late twice.  Once because of snow and once because of a substitute driver.  Barb (his driver) is amazing.  Sunday's time change did not affect her schedule at all.  It did, however, turn ours upside down.

We usually roll out of bed anywhere from 6:30 to 6:40.  Monday morning we clocked in at 7:02.  Thirteen minutes to get dressed, down some Pop-Tarts, brush teeth, and catch the bus.  I didn't think it would be a problem until I started to pack the boy's lunch.  He loves him some sammiches and I was out of bread.  No time to run next door and borrow a couple of slices.  MacGyver Up!

This is why I'm not home school material.

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