Friday, March 8, 2013

You Kids Stay Off My Newsfeed!!!

I spend way too much time on Facebook.   I'd like to think I have a valid reason being that it's the only contact I have with other adults throughout the day.  It gets a little tiresome trying to decode the girl's language and conversations with the baby don't get much further than "da-da".  The truth is, rather than spend time engaging others in meaningful conversation, I spend most of my time browsing through memes and info-graphics.   There is one particular trend of photos that I'm tired of popping up in my newsfeed--horrible parents, making their kids hold signs and begging.

Most often, they come in the form of kids wanting some type of furry critter.  Observe:

What you have just witnessed are two examples of bad parenting.  Rather than just tell their children "No" you're not going to get a puppy, these parents have created a highly un-realistic goal that the kids will probably never reach.  This allows bad parents to pass the blame from themselves to Facebook users. 

It's not like the goal is even something the kids have to strive for.  I would have more respect for your parenting skills if you made the kids raise one hundred dollars doing work for the neighbors.  Or, better yet, why not have them serve one hundred hours in some type of community service setting like Meals on Wheels?  Old people love talking to little kids.

Instead, you have them begging---wanting something for nothing.  Congratulations on raising future democratic voters.  I did notice one mom that had the right idea (see picture below).  Congratulations, Mom, you're doing it right.

I understand that parents are willing to do just about anything to make their child's dream come true.  This little girl apparently wants to meet Ellen and Taylor Swift.  First off, I think it's horrible that a child looks up to any celebrity.  I love Ellen, but come on kid, wouldn't you rather meet a female Senator?

 Also, how hard could it possibly be to meet Ellen?  Stop begging and have your Mom "purchase" some tickets to a live taping.  They're free!  You won't be able to attend the show, but you can stalk her outside the studio like normal people.

You're also going to want to stop looking up to Taylor Swift now.  I don't care if you like her songs, her numerous relationships with boys are a horrible example to little girls everywhere.

And then there are the medical pleas.

If parents will go to any lengths to help their child meet an idol, they'll damn sure do anything to save their kid's life.  I understand why you'd want to get the word out about your child needing a kidney, but don't give your kid the false hope that "One Millions Likes"  could get him one.

 This poor girl's sign doesn't even make grammatical sense.

 I'm aware that you need that green mop shaved off of your head.

I hate to speak badly about medical pleas.  It's not the children's fault and their parents are doing everything they can to help their child in some way.  But let's drop the "Awareness" crap.  There isn't a single person on Facebook that isn't aware of childhood cancer.   So drop it and just write a note that says you're hoping some rich person with a big heart and an even bigger bank roll will help you out in some way.

The "One Millions Likes" memes are getting old.  I'm sorry you have a congenital heart defect, I'm sorry you haven't met your idol yet, and I'm sorry your parents are too scared to tell you kids "No, you're not getting a dog."  There's really not much else to say, especially when the Facebook user below puts it so eloquently (and explicitly) in this picture:


  1. And if my comment gets 10 million likes I'll spoon-feed a gorilla tapioca pudding wearing a tutu.

  2. I just liked that because I would want to see that...and if I like 1,000,000 Facebook statutes, I will win the lottery!!!

  3. Give me one million likes and I'll post a photo of myself in my pants laughing at your gullibilty.

    Seriously, that facebook response had it just right.
