Friday, May 31, 2013

Flushing (The Other 'F' Word)

Why is flushing the toilet so hard?  I can understand the kids having problems with wiping, it's a tricky skill to master.  I even cut the boy a break on his bad aim, because every now and then I still miss right out of the gate.  But flushing?  It's so simple.  You're done and you flush.  That's it.

It's not like when I was a kid.  We were on well water and we had rules.  Two of them.

If it's brown, flush it down.
If it's yellow, let it mellow.

That is hard for a child.  Not only do you have to know your colors well, you have to use critical thinking skills.  Okay, let's see, that is one giant blob of brown.  Now, what do I do?  Oh yeah, flush it down!

But today, the kids just flush no matter what's laying in the toilet.  Yellow = Flush.  Brown = Flush.  Brother's Toothbrush = Flush.  Yet, amazingly, I can still walk into the kids' bathroom and find a floater two or three times a week.  Even worse, Leah likes to use the basement bathroom, which I clean about once a week.  She's the worst when it comes to not flushing.  There is nothing grosser than a week-old floater.

Unless, of course, you consider the Disgusting Diary.

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