Thursday, November 28, 2013

Down With The Sickness

I'd love to write about how amazing this Thanksgiving has been.  I'd love to say that we spent the day with relatives near and far and that we had a blast playing Thanksgiving party games, watching football and pigging out.  But, I can't.  What I can do is show you with one simple picture what our Thanksgiving has been like.  Prepare yourself.

 One eye half-closed, hair like a bird's nest, and glazed eyes--that pretty well sums it up for us.

Sickness has been in this house since Sunday night and the plague has been spreading and getting stronger. So while the rest of our family is next door living it up, we've been popping pills and blowing noses.  They did drop a plate of food off outside our front door earlier--I believe that's how they serve it in prison.  This year, my "Thanks" are a little different from last year.

I'm thankful for:

Scientific advancements that allow me to take a pill to combat whatever vile thing is thriving inside of me.

The guy that decided Kleenex could benefit from a drop of Aloe.

Triple-soothing lemon drops.  They're like regular lemon drops but three times better.

Hot Toddies.  They're like regular lemon drops but taste less like lemon and more like whiskey.


Professional Football.  Because yelling at the television clears my throat.

And finally, family.  Even though I hold you all responsible for infecting me there's nobody else I'd rather have taking care of me.  Except maybe Soleil Moon Frye.



Update (2013-11-30):  I was really hoping you would survive the week without getting sick Libby.  Alas, it wasn't meant to be.  The virus has not been kind to you:

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