Saturday, January 25, 2014

Signs, Signs, Everywhere Signs

I might be getting old, but not too old to party.

Sign I'm Getting Old:  I went to pick up the kids from school today and completely missed my turn-off,  heading half-way in to town.

But Not Too Old To Party:  So I pulled a U-Turn, cranked up some metal (Rings of Saturn) and head-banged all the way to elementary school.

Sign I'm Getting Old:  I'd rather stay home with the family than go to an outdoor metal festival.  Sorry Mayhem Fest.

But Not Too Old To Party:   Those kids are going to bed early so I can drink beer and play Guitar Hero in my underwear all night.

Sign I'm Getting Old:  I spend more time yelling things like "Don't touch that", "Who did this", and "Stop".

But Not Too Old To Party:  When I do yell "Stop" it is immediately followed by "Hammertime" and my awe-inspiring rendition of the Hammer Slide.

Sign I'm Getting Old:  I enjoy spending three hours sitting in an uncomfortable chair to watch my little girl perform somersaults, hand-stands, and front-flips during her 5-minute routine.

But Not Too Old To Party:  I know that all this handstand practice will make her own everybody else at college keg stand parties.

  Make Daddy proud.

Sign I'm Getting Old:  I have life insurance, a will, and a trust fund set up.

But Not Too Old To Party:  The will has specific instructions to throw my ashes in a biodegradable urn alongside an apple seed and plant me.

 That's one way to say "Eat Me" to the world long after you're gone.

Sign I'm Getting Old:  My brain comes up with awesome blog posts around 11:30 at night when I'm falling asleep and then I forget them by morning.

But Not Too Old To Party:  I'm getting revenge by slowly killing brain cells.

The brain is such a scumbag.


  1. Please tell me that you turned up at the school blasting that Rings of Saturn track. That's truly heavy as a heavy thing.

    Something tells me that you're not ready for the tartan slippers and milky drink just yet.

  2. Not ready for the slippers yet, although I do have a rather nice housecoat and pipe.

  3. Knowing what the hammer slide is, let alone being able to actually do it, does indeed make you OLD. But sadly, I am in the same boat.

  4. To make matters worse, I also owned a pair of parachute pants. I believe they were white with zebra stripes and I miss them.
