Monday, September 9, 2013

Heavy Birthday

I never liked hearing about the "Terrible Twos" that people talk about all the time.  I can certainly appreciate the alliteration of that fabulous phrase, but let's face it, the terrible twos began two years ago.  You started losing sleep, gaining weight, and your exposure to feces skyrocketed.  If that ain't terrible, I don't know what is.  Sure the first few months are good, but eventually that baby starts rolling over, crawling, and getting in to your stuff.  One day you're proud of her for learning how to crawl, the next day you're realizing that you'll never own nice things again.

But, they're worth it.  And while I'll miss my original Peter Venkman Ghostbuster, numerous cd's that will never play again, and my sanity (things Elizabeth has ruined), I wouldn't trade her to have them back.  Happy 2nd to my sweet Elizabeth.  We may have screwed up that first birthday, but at least we had a proper cake this year.

And the food was delicious.  Mmmmmm....crab dip.

Speaking of crab meat and other things that live under the sea, how's that SpongeBob SquareCake taste?

She had a blast opening her presents, trying on her new outfits, and playing with her pom-poms.

Not as much fun as she had playing with the gift bags though.

But, birthdays aren't always fun.  Especially for the older sister that doesn't understand why the baby gets presents while she is left out.

The pouty problem is promptly impeded (I told you I love alliteration), because  pom-poms, like sisters, come in pairs.  With one pom a piece, they were both smiling.

And with the two older kids in school and Libby taking a nap while I write, Daddy is smiling too. Happy Birthday Elizabeth.


  1. Nice to enjoy Elizabeth's birthday with these photos. I love the one of forlorn Leah - breaks your heart. Glad to see she got over it quickly! Very sweet.

  2. Oh, forgot to say that I'm glad you have started her young as a Cardinals fan - Go Cards!

  3. Yeah, she never pouts for too long.

  4. Haha. That was Mom's idea (and gift). I told her I was going to sew a 49ers patch over the STL.
