Thursday, January 31, 2013

Pinewood Derby Photos

Photos from last week's Pinewood Derby.

  Numbers don't lie. Our car was slow.

  I asked to take his picture and he pulled a 'gangsta drop' on me. It's the derby yo. Recognize!

 Waiting for the official weigh-in and inspection.

 He's probably thinking, "Not another damn Lightning McQueen car".

  Derby cars assemble...

 A ton of celebrities showed up for the event: Thomas the Train, Lightning McQueen, Mario, Bowser, and a couple of the Avengers. Okay, so maybe not a ton, more like 30 ounces.

 The best seats in the house are at the end of the race. That's where things are most likely to go wrong.

 There's at least one car we beat.

 We hereby recognize your father's engineering failure with this tiny participation trophy.

Want to read more about my failures in these Pinewood Derby Cub Scout Games?


  1. Your car was definitely the cutest though!

  2. Thanks! I know that he really liked it because he slept with it the first night. I've since stashed it away and hope to give it to him again many years from now.

  3. Natalie Peña SteinacherMarch 19, 2013 at 9:41 PM

    OMG I'm dying over here! Why didn't I read this before! LOL!

  4. The important thing is that you're reading it now!
