Monday, July 22, 2013

Tonguing Around

Nothing says summer like sucking on some frozen, sugary ice-pops.  Once the boy got over the initial fear of his tongue changing colors (he thought it would be permanent), he was up for some color-changing tongue action.

The girl chose blue.  She's no rookie; she knows blue is the best.

The boy, still not completely convinced that his tongue would not be stained for life, chose pink.

I was stuck with an orange pop, because let's face it, nobody likes the orange or green ones.

Elizabeth can't be trusted with things you can squeeze, so she just stood around with her crazy Eddie Vedder hair.

Poor girl.  Maybe if she wouldn't destroy everything I've ever loved, she'd earn a Fla-Vor-Ice or two.


  1. It's Vedder :) want to go with us to see pearl jam in Baltimore on 10/27? tickets go on sale Saturday at 10am!

  2. If it was 7/27, I'd love to.
