Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Nose Picking - A Necessary Evil

It's amazing how different your children can be.  Our one-child family life with the boy was rocked when we added Leah.  I expected some differences between the two--- sports vs. dancing, running and yelling vs. sitting demurely, innie vs. outie---but their personalities were so worlds apart.  I had always attributed these differences to their respective genders and never really thought more about them.

Then we had Elizabeth.

She is unlike either one of her siblings.  I expected her to be more like Leah and less like Caleb, but she is in a category all her own.  All three of them have their own unique personality and while Libby has been the happiest baby we've had, she's becoming the most dangerous toddler I've ever known.

She has no fear.

Leah had no fear either, but she also had brains.  Elizabeth...well, at least she's cute.

We're only a short way from her second birthday and it amazes me that she's made it this far in life.  The girl is doing things I've only heard about in parenting horror stories.  It all started with eating the kitty litter.  Soon after, she was happy to play in her own poo.  When I shoot her the "Evil Eye" and ask her WTH she's thinking, she only looks back at me, smiles, and laughs like Beavis.   Now she's begun the nose stuffing.

 Such tiny holes...so much storage.

This is a whole new arena for us.  The other kids had their poop-play and occasional run-in with kitty litter (never eating it), but they were never ones for shoving things up the nose hole.  It's Libby's new hobby.

One week it was fruit loops
The next week it was Pop-Tarts
Last week it was a black-bean from an amazing Mexican Lasagna I made--thank you Food Network.

Today, I don't know what it was.  She's been doing the bra trick with her diaper and I think she ripped off a piece of her size-4 crap-catcher and shoved it up her nose as far as her tiny, fat fingers could reach.  Now, it's time for my large, fat fingers to do some serious digging.  Sometimes, nose-picking is necessary.

 Great beans for eating. Great nose-plugs for swimming.

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