You want to talk about cheap Christmas gifts? Then let's talk felt. Merry Christmas kids, here's some felt for you. When my wife first mentioned this, I was pretty skeptical. When she said felt was a nickel a piece, I was in. The idea is pretty simple. If you remember playing with those cool Colorforms sets when you were a kid, it's the same basic idea. Except, instead of paying ten bucks for one, you pay fifty cents and your kids will have the same level of excitement.
Sadly, I could not find a picture of the Ghostbusters, Thundercats, or He-Man Colorforms sets I used to have. |
Here's a list of what you need:
Step one: Cut out felt. Step two: You're done.
Here are a few of the scenes that she made for the kids.
Are they cheap? Yes. Will the kids enjoy playing with them? Probably as much as they would a store-bought one.
Learn how to make more
Cheap Christmas Gifts.
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