Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Flash Mob Rob Job?

I remember when flash mobs used to be a bunch of idiots pulling off choreographed dance moves in high-end retail stores or parades of people having pillow fights in public places.  Now the term is being applied to a bunch of idiots that robbed a clothing store.

On Saturday, around 20 teenagers stormed into a Chicago clothing store and ran away with almost 3 grand in jeans.  Sounds like a lot of denim right?  Wrong!  These over-priced jeans went for around $200 a pair, meaning the "flash mob" only got away with about 15 pairs of pants; that's not even enough pants to cover the look-outs.

I'm not a fan of flash mobs anyway, their mild amusement is far outweighed by their major annoyance, but let us spare flash mobs a bad name and call this what it is.   These are flash mobs:

Harmless, usually stupid, and sometimes romantic are the way flash mobs are supposed to be.   Technically speaking, a bunch of people showed up somewhere (high-priced clothing store), did something (robbed it), and left quickly (the get-away), that's a flash mob.

Technically speaking, you're an asshole; you also misspelled glass.
But, what happened at the clothing store was a pre-planned robbery not a group of nerds congregating under the guise of "social experiments".  I guess "Kids Steal Pants" isn't as good of a headline as "Flash Mob Robbers Steal $3,000".  The misleading Yahoo headline had me clicking on the article, only to be  disappointed that the surveillance video didn't show the kids dancing while they swiped their swag.  I had high hopes.  Crooks don't rob with style anymore.

Please, if any members of criminal society are reading this, you have already ruined Astronauts,
Astronauts used to be cool Lisa. They used to be cool.

Anthony Cilento. Your name is cool. Drug-trafficking for the Bonanno crime family is  not
and Beavis.
I don't know who that dude is or what he did, but I'll never see Beavis the same way again
Please leave flash mobs alone.

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